Publications in recent 5 years
1. Jae Hoon Lee, Chi Bong Choi, Dai Jung Chung, Eun Hee Kang, Hwa Seok Chang, Soo Han Hwang, Hoon Han,Bo Young Choe, Jung Hyang Sur, Soo Yeol Lee, Hwi Yool Kim, Development of an improved canine model of percutaneous spinal cord compression injury by balloon catheter, Journal of Neuroscience Methods 167:310-316, 2008
2. Dae Jin Kim, Jae Jin Kim, Jin Young Park, Soo Yeol Lee, Joongil Kim, In Young Kim, Sun Il Kim, Hae Jeong Park, Quantification of thalamocortical tracts in schizophrenia on probabilistic maps, Neuroreport 19:399-403, 2008
3. Jong Rack Park, Dae Woon Lim, Soo Yeol Lee, Hang Woon Lee, Mi Hyun Choi, Soon Cheol Chung, Long ?term study of simulator sickness: differences in EEG response due to individual sensitivity, International Journal of Neuronscience 118:857-865, 2008
4. Chang Hwan Im, Hui Hun Jung, Soo Yeol Lee, Ki Young Jung, Determination of optimal electrode positions for transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS), Phys. Med. Biol. 53:N219-225, 2008
5. Chang Hwan Im, Channy Lee, Hyun Kyo Jung, Soo Yeol Lee, A new neuronal electrical source model considering electrophysiology to simulate realistic electroencephalography (EEG) forward signals, IEEE Trans. on Magnetics 44:1434-1437, 2008
6. Sung Soo Kim, Seung Wan Yoo, Tae Seok Park, Seung Cheol Ahn, Han Seong Jeong, Ji Won Kim, Da Young Chang, Kyung Gi Cho, Seung U Kim, Youngbuhm Huh, Jong Eun Lee, Soo Yeol Lee, Young Don Lee, Haeyoung Suh-Kim, Neural induction with neurogenin1 increases the therapeutic effects of mesenchymal stem cells in the ischemia brain, Stem Cells 26:2217-2228, 2008
7. Byung Hee Han, Sekho Park, Soo Yeol Lee, Gradient waveform synthesis for magnetic propulsion using MRI gradient coils, Phys. Med. Biol. 53:4639-4649, 2008
8. H.J. Kim, T.I. Oh, Y.T. Kim, B.I. Lee, E.J. Woo, J.K. Seo, S.Y. Lee, O. Kwon, C. Park, B.T. Kang, H.M. Park, In vivo electrical conductivity imaging of a canine brain using a 3T MREIT system, Physiol. Meas. 29:1145-1155, 2008
9. Jeong A Park, Sang Keun Ha, Tong Ho Kang, Myung Sook Oh, Min Hyoung Cho, Soo Yeol Lee, Ji-Ho Park, Sun Yeou Kim, Protective effect of apigenin on ovariectomy-induced bone loss in rats, Life Sciences 82:1217-1223, 2008
10. Seung Wan Yoo, Sung Soo Kim, Soo Yeol Lee, Hey Sun Lee, Hyun Soo Kim, Young Don Lee, Hayyoung Suh-Kim, Mesenchymal stem cells promote proliferation of endogenous neural stem cells and survival of newborn cells in a rat stroke model, Exp. Mol. Med. 40:387-397, 2008
11. Tahir Rasheed, Young Koo Lee, Soo Yeol Lee, Tae Seong Kim, Attenuation of artifacts in EEG signals measured inside an MRI scanner using constrained independent component analysis, Physiol. Meas. 30: 387-404, 2009
12. Dai-Jung Chung, Chi-Bong Choi, Sung-Ho Lee, Eun-Hee Kang, Jae-Hoon Lee, Soo-Han Hwang, Hoon Han, Jong-Hwan Lee, Bo-Young Choe, Soo-Yeol Lee, Hwi-Yool Kim, Intraarterially delivered human umbilical cord blood-derived mesenchymal stem cells in canine cerebral ischemia, Journal of Neuroscience Research ?87:3554-3567, 2009
13. M.H. Cho, L.H. Kang, J.S. Kim, S.Y. Lee, An efficient sound speed estimation method to enhance image resolution in ultrasound imaging, Ultrasonics 49:774-778, 2009
14. Fazle Sadi, S.Y.Lee, Md. Kamrul Hasan, Removal of ring artifacts in computed tomographic imaging using iterative center weighted mediam filter, Comp. in Biol. .Med. 40:109-118, 2010
15. Yong H. Ha, Byung H. Han, Soo Y. Lee, Magnetic propulsion of a magnetic device using three square Helmholtz coils and a square Maxwell coil, Med. Biol. Eng. Comput. 48:139-145, 2010
16. Emran M Abu Anas, S.Y. Lee, Md. Kamrul Hasan, Sequential algorithm for life threatening cardiac pathologies detection based on mean signal strength and EMD functions., Biomedical Engineering Online 9:43, 2010
17. E.M.A. Anas, S.Y. Lee, Md Kamrul Hasan, Removal of ring artifacts in CT imaging through detection and correction of stripes in the sonogram., Phys. . Med. Biol.55:6911-6930, 2010
18. A.N.M.A.N.M. Ashrafuzzaman, S. Y. Lee, Md. Kamrul Hasan, .A self-adaptive approach for the detection and correction of stripes in the sinogram: Suppression of ring artifacts in CT imaging., EURASIP J Advanced Signal Processing. 2011:183547, 2011
19. Soo Y. Lee, Gyu W. Kim, Byung H. Han, Min H. Cho, .Strain measurement from 3D micro-CT images of a breast-mimicking phantom., Comp. Biol. Med. 41:123-130, 2011
20. Emran M . Anas, B.S. Engg, Soo Yeol Lee, MD. Kamrul Hasan, Exploiting correlation of ECG with certain EMD functions for discrimination of ventricular fibrillation, Comp. Med. Biol. 41:.110-114, 2011
21. A.B.M.A. Hossain, L.H. Kang, J.S. Kim, M.H. Cho, S.Y.Lee, Compensation of fat layer effects in ultrasound imaging using an inclined-fat-layer model derived from magnetic resonance images, Acoustical Physics 57:144-150, 2011
22. A.B.M.A. Hossain, M.H. Cho, S.Y.Lee, Compression induced contrast change in x-ray mammograms: a simulation study, Biomed. Eng. Lett. 1:49-55, 2011
23. E.M.A. Anas, S.Y. Lee, Md. Kamrul Hasan, Classification of ring artifacts for their effective removal using type adaptive correction schemes, Comp. Biol. Med., 41:390-401, 2011
24. Eric Michel Gonzalez, M.H. Cho, S.Y. Lee, Geometric nonlinear diffusion filter and its application to x-ray imaging, Biomedical Engineering Online 10:47, 2011
25. Hye S. Kim, Min H. Cho, Soo Y. Lee, Sparse-view CT imaging of trabecular bones: comparison of image reconstruction methods, Biomedical Engineering Letters 1:188-193, 2011
26. Emran? M. A. Anas, Jae G. Kim, Soo Y. Lee, Md. Kamrul Hasan, High-quality 3D correction of ring and radiant artifacts in flat panel detector based cone beam volume CT imaging, Physics in Medicine & Biology 56:6495-6519,? 2011
27. Emran M Abu Anas, Jae G Kim, Soo Y Lee, Md K Hasan, Comparison of ring artifact removal methods using flat panel detector based CT images, Biomedical Engineering Online 10:72, 2011
28. Jae Gon Kim, Seungoh Jin, Min H Cho, Soo Y Lee, Inter-plane artifact suppression in tomosynthesis using 3D CT image data, ?Biomedical Engineering Online 10:106, 2011
29. Md. Kamrul Hasan, Fazle Sadi, S.Y.Lee, Removal of ring artifacts in micro-CT imaging using iterative morphological filters, Signal Image Video Processing 6:41-53, 2012
30. ABM Aowlad Hossain, Min H. Cho, Soo Y. Lee, Magnetic nanoparticle density mapping from the magnetically induced displacement data: a simulation study, Biomedical Engineering Online 11:11, 2012
31. ABM Aowlad Hossain, Min H. Cho, Soo Y. Lee, A simulation study on iterative shear velocity image reconstruction for ultrasound trasient elastography, Biomedical Engineering Letters 2:52-61, 2012
32. Sabrina Rashid, Soo Y. Lee, Md. Kamrul Hasan, An improved method for the removal of ring artifacts in high resolution CT imaging, EURASIP J Advanced Singal Processing, 2012:93, 2012
33. Mohammad A. Hussain, S. Kaisar Alam, Soo Y. Lee, Md. Kamrul Hasan, Robust strain-estimation algorithm using combined radiofrequency and envelope cross-correlation with diffusion filtering, Ultrasonic Imaging, 34:93-109, 2012
34. Mohammad A. Hussain, Emran Abu Anas, S. Kaisar Alam, Soo Y. Lee, Md. Kamrul Hasan, Direct and gradient based average strain estimation by using weighted nearest cross-correlation peaks, IEEE Trans. UFFC 59:1713-1728,? 2012
35. Md. Kamrul Hasan, Soo Yeol Lee, Direct mean strain estimation for elastography uisng nearest-neighbor weighted least-square approach in the frequency domain, Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology 38:1759-1777, 2012
36. Jae G. Kim, A.B.M.A. Hossain, Jong H. Shin, Soo Y. Lee, Calculation of strain images of a breast-mimicking phantom from 3D CT image data, Medical Physics 39:5469-5478, 2012
37. Seung O. Jin, Jae G. Kim, Soo Y. Lee, Oh-Kyong Kwon, Bone-induced streak artifact suppression in sparse-view CT image reconstruction, Biomedical Engineering Online11:42, 2012